Friday, December 5, 2008

Whoo Hoo!!!

Well everyone, I finally decided to get it done, I am now officially a blogger. And even though Trevor's name is on it too, I will probably be the only one that ever does anything with it, so you get to hear a lot from me! So the big day is coming up in like three months, it still sounds like a long time to most people, but it is coming so fast I can hardly believe it. Last month, we arranged to make the four hour trek down to Monroe to take our engagement pictures and my Bridals. So we took time off work and headed down there. We were scheduled to take pictures at 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday. When I woke up at 6:30 to start the grind of getting myself ready, it was pouring rain. Those of you from southern Utah know that when it rains there, it usually only lasts for an hour or so at the longest and clears up pretty fast. Well, as my luck would have it, at 8:00 it was still pouring, and there were no signs of it letting up. So we arranged with our photographer to wait a while until it cleared up and then we could take some pictures. Noon came rolling around and it seemed as if it were raining harder. So we waited and waited, went to lunch with Mom and Aubrey, and still waited, but the rain didn't stop. I was beginning to think that the four hour trip had been a waste because there was no way we would be able to take pictures. Then, sometime around 3:00 p.m., the rain let up. I quickly called our photographer and we were out the door to at least try and shoot a few pictures. It had started to sprinkle as soon as we started snapping photo's, but we stuck it out and got a bunch of shots. We had to hold off on the Bridals because there was no way the wedding dress could have survived the weather. So I planned another trip a different weekend. I was really nervous to see how they would turn out because we were tromping through mud, sitting in puddles and my hair gets really curly when it comes in contact with any type of wet! But when we got the pictures, they actually turned our really good. Besides a few pictures when you can see the waves starting to form in my hair, you can't even tell it was raining. Thanks to Shannon Hepworth for braving the elements with us and doing a really good job! Here are some of our favorites...

Here are the wet bums and wavy hair....

1 comment:

michael. mindy. dane. said...

CUTE! I love the pictures, I can't believe how long your hair is, and you are freaking skinny! I love you. i think I'm going to call you now....