Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

It's that time of year again, Valentines Day. I feel like there are two kinds of people when it comes to this Holiday, those that hate it and those that love it. I am a fan of any Holiday, so I have to be in the latter group. I know my husband doesn't appreciate the fact that flower prices double just for one day, but he was still nice enough to have these waiting on the counter for me when I woke up Sunday morning. I love roses!!! There is nothing better than the smell of roses. He also had a very sweet card that almost made me cry (I know, pathetic, what can I say, I am a hopeless romantic). He also got up early and made me the best omlet I have ever had, with bacon and sausage and orange juice! My favorite...

Since it was Sunday, we had to change gears a little from the typical Valentines Day. Usually we would go out for a nice dinner. This year we stayed in, and we had a blast. We got out of church at noon, so we had a lot of time before dinner. So we made Valentines sugar cookies that were delicious! We got a little carried away and made a ton of cookies, so we stashed some in the freezer for later.

So here are the official Valentines cookies we made for each other. They were dang good.

The day before, Trevor had told me he was going to make dinner for me as well. I was a little nervouse because his specialty is Taco Salad...and that's about it. I love you Trevor, but I usually do the cooking. But I was so impressed and so proud when he made me crab legs, shrimp and french bread for dinner! I haven't even made crab legs all by myself before. He did an amazing job, just goes to show I have the best husband in the world. We set up candles and had Martinellis bubbly stuff to drink. I can only have like one glass of that stuff, it makes my stomach feel like I ate a gallon of pop rocks or something. But anyway, here is a picture of our dinner before we ate :) P.S. I don't know what I was doing in this picture, so don't ask.

I love my Trevor so much, I really have the best husband anyone could ask for. He is my best friend and I love spending time with him. I guess that's a good thing since we have eternity to look forward to! I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day too, and it was spent with those you love so much!


Betsy said...

That is the cutest, and sounds like an awesome dinner. Trevor and Duke should join forces some night for us!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

This is SO cute! I am way impressed with everything you guys did! I want some of those cookies!!

Kim Call said...

Whoa! I'm so impressed, you guys! But, truthfully, I knew Trevor would do this kind of thing when he became a husband....he was always doing the same kinds of things when he was growing up ~ decorating the house for every holiday, making fun things for family members, wanting to cook things...he was just that kind of kid. You bring out the very best in him, Afton ~ lucky kids, you are! Love you both more than you Call

Ashlie Castle said...

How fun! You guys look like you had such a great time :) Very impressed with the cookie decorating, and the dinner. Wow! I dont think Bryan would even know how to buy the crab legs to cook them.. haha. :)